Shinji.Nagashima: Kinkasan and the Pacific Ocean,The views from the cape, Oshika Peninsula 金華山と大平洋 岬からの眺望 牡鹿半島
Shinji.Nagashima: Kinkasan and the Pacific Ocean,The views from the cape, Oshika Peninsula 金華山と大平洋 岬からの眺望 牡鹿半島
Shinji.Nagashima: The place where the sea and the sky come, The views from the cape, Oshika Peninsula 海と空が出会う場所 岬からの眺望 牡鹿半島
Shinji.Nagashima: The sunshine in early autumn, The views from the cape, Oshika Peninsula 初秋の陽光 岬からの眺望 牡鹿半島