Maine Coast: Ticket booth at Casco Bay Lines terminal
Maine Coast: Island Romance
Maine Coast: Coffee shop across the street
Maine Coast: Casco Bay Line Terminal
Maine Coast: Casco Bay Lines terminal
Maine Coast: Casco Bay Lines
Maine Coast: Island Romance
Maine Coast: On the other side
Maine Coast: Waiting for the boat at the Casco Bay Lines terminal
Maine Coast: The crew of the Island Romance
Maine Coast: Wheelhouse of the Island Romance
Maine Coast: The skipper of the Island Romance (Excellent tour guide)
Maine Coast: Upper deck of the Island Romance
Maine Coast: Maquoit II
Maine Coast: Aucocisco III
Maine Coast: Maine State Pier
Maine Coast: Monjoy Hill
Maine Coast: Maquoit II
Maine Coast: Wheelhouse of the Island Romance
Maine Coast: Leslie Ann
Maine Coast: Wheelhouse of the Island Romance
Maine Coast: Casco Bay bridge
Maine Coast: Fort Gorges
Maine Coast: Fort Gorges
Maine Coast: Fort Gorges
Maine Coast: Maquoit II heading for Peaks Island
Maine Coast: Fort Gorges
Maine Coast: Bug Light Park (Tank farm in the background)
Maine Coast: Rowing the harbor
Maine Coast: Portland-Montreal Pipe Line