Maine Coast: Hey lady, are you taking a picture of me?
Maine Coast: Ya think we could pass for seals?
Maine Coast: Wow, nice boat
Maine Coast: Wana go sailin
Maine Coast: This is my Grandmother
Maine Coast: The things a guy has to do for a little chow
Maine Coast: The harba
Maine Coast: The Maine Responder
Maine Coast: That was a great swim
Maine Coast: Nice window shot of me
Maine Coast: Nice shot, thanks Bumpa
Maine Coast: Nanny's not quite ready to go yet
Maine Coast: My Grandparents
Maine Coast: My Grandfather
Maine Coast: Maybe I'm not the prettiest, but I do alright
Maine Coast: Looking up Pearl Street
Maine Coast: Lets go get our own lobsters
Maine Coast: Just water
Maine Coast: It's a great day for boating
Maine Coast: I hope you've got dog food?
Maine Coast: I hope you got that one
Maine Coast: Honda outboards
Maine Coast: Hey look a ball
Maine Coast: All tied up
Maine Coast: A great cruise