Maine Coast: Striping the old siding.
Maine Coast: Striping the old siding.
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: The porch off the breezeway.
Maine Coast: Down the front with the porch off the breezeway.
Maine Coast: Down the front with the porch off the breezeway.
Maine Coast: Down the front with the porch off the breezeway.
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: The ball was Lynn's idea.
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: Inside the garage
Maine Coast: Left side of garage.
Maine Coast: The back with slide up door to workshop.
Maine Coast: Back of house with new siding.
Maine Coast: Back of house with new siding.
Maine Coast: Entire front of house.
Maine Coast: Entire front of house.