Maine Coast: Nice shot from our porch
Maine Coast: Getting ready for winter
Maine Coast: Experiment in focusing front and rear at the same time.
Maine Coast: Turkey Lane in the early morning
Maine Coast: Through the mirror
Maine Coast: The beauty of nature is all around us
Maine Coast: The beauty of nature
Maine Coast: The beauty of fall
Maine Coast: The beauty of a fall sunrise
Maine Coast: Sunrise on the way to work
Maine Coast: Sunrise
Maine Coast: Shopping in North Conway
Maine Coast: Ride to Groveville
Maine Coast: Picture from the hall
Maine Coast: On the road down near Sebago Lake
Maine Coast: On the Flaggy Meadow Road
Maine Coast: My road
Maine Coast: Morning ride into Groveville
Maine Coast: Morning commute
Maine Coast: Maine street Gorham
Maine Coast: Late afternoon sun on the trees
Maine Coast: I love fall
Maine Coast: Fall trees
Maine Coast: Across the street
Maine Coast: A wonderful fall day
Maine Coast: Sunset in the trees
Maine Coast: Sunrise in Gorham
Maine Coast: Seems as if the leaves will be on the trees till spring
Maine Coast: Late afternoon sun on the trees
Maine Coast: Spooky Forest