Maine Coast: Yes, gas prices are going down
Maine Coast: What used to be Jacksonbrook Institute
Maine Coast: The back road from Pine Point into Old Orchard Beach
Maine Coast: The Rising Tide Restaurant at Pine Point
Maine Coast: The Melissa Mary
Maine Coast: The Clambake Restaurant at Pine Point
Maine Coast: Pine Point, No fishing from the pier
Maine Coast: Pine Point
Maine Coast: Old Orchard Beach pier
Maine Coast: Memorial for the Korean War Veterans
Maine Coast: Looking toward pier and the beach at Old Orchard Beach
Maine Coast: Korean War Memorial
Maine Coast: Groveville Mini-Mart
Maine Coast: Groveville
Maine Coast: For God and Country
Maine Coast: Driving down the Pine Point road
Maine Coast: Coming into Pine Point
Maine Coast: Coming into Groveville
Maine Coast: Coming in toward the center of Old Orchard Beach
Maine Coast: Coming down to the mall
Maine Coast: Cabela's in Scarborough on the Payne road
Maine Coast: Theresa Irene III
Maine Coast: The Stan Allen
Maine Coast: Readying for winter
Maine Coast: Providence
Maine Coast: Pine Point pier
Maine Coast: Pine Point lobster boats
Maine Coast: Out of the water for the winter
Maine Coast: Lobster boats at Camp Ellis Beach - Saco
Maine Coast: Lobster boat Susan Marie at Pine Point