Maine Coast: This one you can see the pilot.
Maine Coast: The valley.
Maine Coast: The trail.
Maine Coast: The second A-10.
Maine Coast: The other side of the river.
Maine Coast: The guy on the left taking pictures of the guy on the right taking pictures.
Maine Coast: The gorge.
Maine Coast: The bend.
Maine Coast: The Red Parka Steakhouse and Pub
Maine Coast: Standing tall.
Maine Coast: Not much water.
Maine Coast: Not a lot of water running from the top.
Maine Coast: No swimming, like, are you nuts
Maine Coast: Nature at it best.
Maine Coast: My girl.
Maine Coast: My girl and me.
Maine Coast: My girl and me
Maine Coast: Maybe we should duck.
Maine Coast: Lots and lots of rocks.
Maine Coast: Like a bowl spilling over.
Maine Coast: Let me in.
Maine Coast: Just water and rocks.
Maine Coast: Just me.
Maine Coast: In the bowl.
Maine Coast: If a tree falls in the forest can you hear it
Maine Coast: Gotcha!
Maine Coast: Gorgeous view.