The Cotton Floozy: Annie on mini-slide
The Cotton Floozy: Princesses eating cookies
The Cotton Floozy: Garron in Timpanogos cave
The Cotton Floozy: Cave Garron
The Cotton Floozy: Taking a break from the hike
The Cotton Floozy: Hike up to Timp Cave
The Cotton Floozy: Garron with cousins
The Cotton Floozy: Girls ankle-deep in frigid water
The Cotton Floozy: In the creek
The Cotton Floozy: Freezing their feet off
The Cotton Floozy: Garron tries experimental sour candy
The Cotton Floozy: Garron after sour candy
The Cotton Floozy: Me, Kristin, & Jade
The Cotton Floozy: Little sisters
The Cotton Floozy: 3rd grader
The Cotton Floozy: First day of school
The Cotton Floozy: Garron getting on the bus
The Cotton Floozy: Dan & Margie's Brian's "wedding" cake
The Cotton Floozy: Tess on the porch
The Cotton Floozy: Twins w/ baby bro
The Cotton Floozy: Amanda, Michael, & Gavin
The Cotton Floozy: Marie & Hadley Marie
The Cotton Floozy: Tess & Emma
The Cotton Floozy: Gavin on grandma's lap
The Cotton Floozy: Marie & Gavin
The Cotton Floozy: Walking back
The Cotton Floozy: Sad Annie, no school