The Cotton Floozy: The drool doesn't stain the leather.
The Cotton Floozy: Party hats
The Cotton Floozy: Grandpa Brian turns 60
The Cotton Floozy: Annie, Party Animal
The Cotton Floozy: Garron, Artist
The Cotton Floozy: Wool skirt
The Cotton Floozy: Playing in the snow
The Cotton Floozy: Snow's melting
The Cotton Floozy: Last Sled Ride of the Season
The Cotton Floozy: Sharing the rocking chair
The Cotton Floozy: Recuperating
The Cotton Floozy: Basket O' Tess
The Cotton Floozy: Belly Power
The Cotton Floozy: Fun with Soda Pop Boxes
The Cotton Floozy: More Fun with Soda Pop Boxes
The Cotton Floozy: Grandma I. and Annie
The Cotton Floozy: What's that?
The Cotton Floozy: Annie and Tess
The Cotton Floozy: Grandma I. and the kids
The Cotton Floozy: The Brian gang
The Cotton Floozy: Sledding in the front yard