faster2007: Come out, I just want to play...
faster2007: Have I ever told you...
faster2007: Kitchenwindow in a cateye
faster2007: Yes,here I am..
faster2007: Uhm,it´s for me.
faster2007: Cat with headlights on
faster2007: Perfect match
faster2007: Killer of the christmas tree decoration
faster2007: Adult babycat
faster2007: Catwalk
faster2007: Give me that grass!
faster2007: Sheeps with more than two horns
faster2007: Chickens in Copenhagen Zoo
faster2007: Big cats in Copenhagen Zoo
faster2007: Seven cows,the one is keeping watch!
faster2007: No I won´t come down..
faster2007: Can you see my heart?
faster2007: I keep an eye...
faster2007: Cow with bodyguards..
faster2007: ..and the wife is crying..
faster2007: Is this house for sale?
faster2007: I love you..
faster2007: Free bar!
faster2007: Crowded mammy
faster2007: Maja og Tyson
faster2007: Crowded nest
faster2007: What did you glare at?
faster2007: I love you..I think I will eat you....
faster2007: "Take away food"....?
faster2007: ..a GIFT for MEEEEE?....