KT of Lake Orion: Happy on Good Harbor Beach
KT of Lake Orion: Cape Cod Memories
KT of Lake Orion: Boone Docks
KT of Lake Orion: Margaret & Company
KT of Lake Orion: Me & My Babies...
KT of Lake Orion: It's our Wedding Anniversary...
KT of Lake Orion: Welcome to the 'Hood...Duke
KT of Lake Orion: Cousins...
KT of Lake Orion: Funny Faces
KT of Lake Orion: Fun with the Little Ones...
KT of Lake Orion: ~~** Give Thanks **~~
KT of Lake Orion: ~~~Having Fun~~~
KT of Lake Orion: ~~ Attack Dog ~~
KT of Lake Orion: ...Father & Son - They'll get it Done!
KT of Lake Orion: ~~ Don't Blink ~~
KT of Lake Orion: Men at work...
KT of Lake Orion: ~~ Carefree ~~
KT of Lake Orion: ...Single File...
KT of Lake Orion: My Boys...
KT of Lake Orion: ~~The Three of Us~~ (My Kid(s) & Me 1/52)
KT of Lake Orion: "Summertime" Dreaming (My Kid(s) & Me 9/52)
KT of Lake Orion: "Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.”
KT of Lake Orion: Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
KT of Lake Orion: Oh, the wild joys of living!
KT of Lake Orion: *Three* (52 Weeks, My Kid(s) & Me 34/52)
KT of Lake Orion: Oh! What a day it was!
KT of Lake Orion: A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.
KT of Lake Orion: Father & Daughter...
KT of Lake Orion: May you live to be a hundred years with one extra year to repent...
KT of Lake Orion: Exuberance is beautiful (so are my children!)