Bystander>: Asleep
Bystander>: Caught the worm
Bystander>: Fleeing
Bystander>: Piping plover
Bystander>: By the river
Bystander>: Treile
Bystander>: Chercán
Bystander>: White in blue
Bystander>: Hooded merganser, male
Bystander>: 2 ducks
Bystander>: The whole story (house finch)
Bystander>: Eating berries
Bystander>: starling and berries
Bystander>: Sanderling
Bystander>: Semipalmated plover
Bystander>: ruddy turnstone
Bystander>: Black-bellied plover in Revere Beach
Bystander>: duckling
Bystander>: Common yellowthroat
Bystander>: Brant_01
Bystander>: Eiders_01
Bystander>: seagull_02
Bystander>: seagull_01
Bystander>: Amanecer_03
Bystander>: Hermit Thrush
Bystander>: Hawk_01
Bystander>: Ducks_01