lineaquatro: Front wiew
lineaquatro: Main entrance
lineaquatro: HPIM0261
lineaquatro: Probably garages for visitors
lineaquatro: Rear view
lineaquatro: Beyond the main entrance ground floor
lineaquatro: Baths at main entrance
lineaquatro: 2-nd subterrenean floor
lineaquatro: Ceramic isolation in transformer room
lineaquatro: 22 kV Transformers room
lineaquatro: Main 50 meter long pool (163 feet)
lineaquatro: inside the pool
lineaquatro: Main terrace
lineaquatro: Inside glass bricks wall
lineaquatro: Roof construction decorated by stalactites and stalagnates
lineaquatro: Emerency ladder
lineaquatro: From the roof to the bottom of the pool cca 17 m
lineaquatro: On the roof
lineaquatro: Roof construction
lineaquatro: Hollow in the pool
lineaquatro: Climbing down by the rope
lineaquatro: Some interesting graffity
lineaquatro: Some interesting graffity
lineaquatro: Panorama of the ground floor with stairs
lineaquatro: Panorama of the service entrance 1 sub floor
lineaquatro: Pool viewed from terrace
lineaquatro: Some interesting graffiti