dardilrocks: up periscope
dardilrocks: toad cave
dardilrocks: face of a turtle
dardilrocks: all on the line
dardilrocks: Ahhhhh! Sunshine!
dardilrocks: three turtles
dardilrocks: eat my dust!
dardilrocks: boxed in
dardilrocks: Tres Amigos
dardilrocks: lonely frog
dardilrocks: slider in green water
dardilrocks: two turtles on log
dardilrocks: baby turtle
dardilrocks: lost turtle
dardilrocks: long shot turtle
dardilrocks: frog's perch
dardilrocks: elusive tree frog
dardilrocks: elusive tree frog 2
dardilrocks: sunlight toad
dardilrocks: 2 week toad
dardilrocks: not a tree frog
dardilrocks: tree frog
dardilrocks: hiding frog
dardilrocks: bull of the pond
dardilrocks: who invited him
dardilrocks: can you see me now
dardilrocks: pointed in the right direction
dardilrocks: silver dollar turtle