Meg4mi: Slowly climbing...
Meg4mi: the sun
Meg4mi: 5/52 I'm Immortal
Meg4mi: Peinture
Meg4mi: Air is so cool
Meg4mi: 7/52 Life inception...
Meg4mi: abstract..
Meg4mi: abstract..
Meg4mi: abstract..
Meg4mi: abstract..
Meg4mi: 8/52 Fabric or .... ?
Meg4mi: Cat thinking...
Meg4mi: 9/52 Semper Vivum
Meg4mi: 11/52 Mountains....
Meg4mi: nuts...
Meg4mi: Dew time !
Meg4mi: Sunflower ?
Meg4mi: Floor
Meg4mi: 13/52 Strainer ?
Meg4mi: Skin
Meg4mi: Lace it
Meg4mi: Fée clochette
Meg4mi: Early Spring
Meg4mi: Moss
Meg4mi: What is it in my heart ?
Meg4mi: Early Spring 2
Meg4mi: Leaves me alone ...
Meg4mi: Curtain
Meg4mi: Lost/Found ring in the carpet...
Meg4mi: The Red Pearl