Plumper Quatsch:
I am omnipresent !
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / Musical street performance !
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / Pink Cadillac !
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / "Something is wrong !"
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / "A new species !!!"
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / "Stay together !!!"
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / `Here is bike parking forbidden !´ ( shit happens ! )
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / `The RED makes it !´
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / `A Woman at Her Window ´ ( drama film 1976 )
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / `Over the Rainbow´ ( The Wizard of Oz )
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / `My home is my castle !´
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / Lonesome fiddler !
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / Bird-of-paradise !
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / `Listen To The Music´ (Doobie Brothers)
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / `version for the wintertime !´
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / `extra 20% markdowns´
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / The worst feeling is not being lonely. It is being forgotten by someone you would never forget
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / `built in the year 1502´
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! / Musical street performance !
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! ( 2nd run ) / Street painting ( Ludwig van Beethoven )
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! ( 2nd run ) / Musical street performance !
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! ( 2nd run ) / Living doll ! Living statue !
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! ( 2nd run ) / A man of the world loves bunches !
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! ( 2nd run ) / " All that glisters is not gold " ( Living doll )
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! ( 2nd run ) / "This is my future ???"
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! ( 2nd run ) / The answer of `The Blue Flame´ - "The Discovery of Slowness"
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! ( 2nd run ) / Musical street performance ! (Sprechblase: "Falls dir nichts einfällt. Ich liebe Handcreme.)
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! ( 2nd run ) / You see a blue elephant - it's just a illusion !!!
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! ( 2nd run ) / "If he can sit here - so I have the right to sit here too !!!"
Plumper Quatsch:
Just one hour in my hometown ! ( 2nd run ) / "Everything at half price... ...or just the guitar???"