drager meurtant: Resistance
drager meurtant: The nibbling of mice
drager meurtant: Figure it out
drager meurtant: Hurdles 9-high
drager meurtant: Three trestles under the hatch
drager meurtant: Europe today
drager meurtant: frayed curtain
drager meurtant: Redemption
drager meurtant: Artisamindset
drager meurtant: Drager Meurtant Self Portrait
drager meurtant: Exploration of the inner self
drager meurtant: Portrait (if you say so)
drager meurtant: Safe Heaven - Een Veilig Toeven
drager meurtant: Collage of leaves
drager meurtant: Blank face
drager meurtant: Fragments - Fragmenten
drager meurtant: Insurrection / Opstand
drager meurtant: Estacion de Servicio
drager meurtant: Borders (improved image)
drager meurtant: Abstraction in the mirror
drager meurtant: Gastrotomy in the dog
drager meurtant: At Second Thought
drager meurtant: Cup of tea
drager meurtant: Evolution of Icon
drager meurtant: The Carrier
drager meurtant: Accidental
drager meurtant: Standstill
drager meurtant: The Trek