Jessica Riederer: Female Ruby-throated hummingbird, (Archilochus colubris), hovering between altercations with her sibling, Woodstock, Vermont, USA, July 21st
Jessica Riederer: Female Ruby-throated hummingbird, (Archilochus colubris), hovering between altercations with her sibling, Woodstock, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Female Ruby-throated hummingbird, (Archilochus colubris), drinking nectar from Bee balm, Woodstock, Vermont, USA, July 18th
Jessica Riederer: Red squirrel, (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), retreating from tussle with anothe red squirrel, Woodstock, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Twelve-spotted skimmer, (Libellula pulchella), resting from hawking insects, Queeche, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Water lily reflections, (Nymphaeaceae), Woodstock, Vermont, USA, July 14th 2014
Jessica Riederer: Green frog, (Rana clamitans), eating an earthworm, Woodstock, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Green frog, (Rana clamitans), eating earthworm, Woodstock, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Eastern chipmunk, (Tamias striatus), with feathers, Woodstock, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Widow skimmer, (Libellula luctuosa), Paradise Lake, resting on reed, Windsor, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Blue flag iris, (Iris versicolour) blooming at a beaver pond, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Female tree Swallow, (Tachycineta bicolor) feeding chick, our garden, Woodstock, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Female yellow-rumped warbler, (Dendroica coronata), in between hawking insects on swamp surface, Vermont, USA May 5th 2014
Jessica Riederer: Male yellow-rumped warbler, (Dendroica coronata), Woodstock, Vermont, USA, May 5th 2014
Jessica Riederer: American Painted Lady, (Vanessa virginiensis) on Black eyed Susan, Hartland, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly (Papilio glaucus) minutes after emerging from chrysalis, Woodstock, Vermont, USA, June 6th 2014
Jessica Riederer: Monarch butterfly, (Danaus plexippus), resting on my finger, Woodstock, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Monarch butterfly, (Danaus plexippus), Woodstock, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Monarch butterfly, (Danaus plexippus), Woodstock, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Blue dasher dragonfly, (Pachydiplax longipennis), resting on reed, Windsor, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Monarch butterfly, (Danaus plexippus) on Echinacea flower, Hartland Dam, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Green Clearwing (Erythemis simpliciollis), Paradise Lake, Windsor, Vermont, USA, July 8th
Jessica Riederer: Red-breasted nuthatch, (Sitta canadensis), Woodstock, Vermont, April 16th 2014
Jessica Riederer: Beaver, (Genus Castor), investigating observer, Quechee, Vermont, USA
Jessica Riederer: Cedar waxwing, (Bombycilla cedrorum), eating berries in below freezng temperatures, Woodstock, Vermont, April 14th 2014
Jessica Riederer: Cedar waxwing, (Bombycilla cedrorum), eating berries, Woodstock, Vermont April 12th 2014
Jessica Riederer: Cedar waxwing, (Bombycilla cedrorum), eating berries, Woodstock, Vermont, USA, January 10th 2014
Jessica Riederer: Cedar waxwing , (Bombycilla cedrorum) eating blossoms, May 30th 2014, Coolidge State Park, Vermont
Jessica Riederer: Cedar waxwing, (Bombycilla cedrorum), eating blossoms, May 30th 2014, Coolidge State Park, Vermont
Jessica Riederer: Cedar waxwing, (Bombycilla cedrorum), one of flock of 50 surviving sub zero temperatures, Woodstock, Vermont, January 7th 2014