gaabor66: Panteon, Szeged
gaabor66: Bor tér
gaabor66: Where should we go?
gaabor66: Old man with saxofon
gaabor66: Prague, 5:07 pm
gaabor66: Prague 11
gaabor66: Prague 10
gaabor66: elhagyatott...
gaabor66: Hárman...
gaabor66: Zita
gaabor66: note
gaabor66: Móra Ferenc Múzeum, Szeged
gaabor66: Sopronban
gaabor66: Windows in Sopron
gaabor66: Hoppál Mihály
gaabor66: Bródy János
gaabor66: On the River Tisza
gaabor66: What's the news?
gaabor66: Mária & Gyula, engaged couple
gaabor66: Trombonist in Brass On the Road, from Szeged.
gaabor66: Kiszállsz Kedvesem?
gaabor66: Pacsálás...
gaabor66: Brass On the Road
gaabor66: Brass On the Road
gaabor66: Brass On the Road
gaabor66: Szegedi képek
gaabor66: Prof. Erwin Neher
gaabor66: Harap??
gaabor66: SKAtch
gaabor66: Forgas_01f