Médéeღ: Because Friendship is Love, I comfort you
Médéeღ: Because Friendship is Love, I kiss you
Médéeღ: Because Friendship is Love, we can spend time doing nothing
Médéeღ: Sharing secrets
Médéeღ: Because Friendship is Love, I want to enfold you
Médéeღ: Even after a long absence, the light of our love is still in our hands
Médéeღ: Ladies on my wall
Médéeღ: "I have to go"
Médéeღ: "I will fight" (LOL)
Médéeღ: Contemplating the end of the world coming
Médéeღ: Lightings
Médéeღ: Apocalypse here?
Médéeღ: Apocalypse here 1?
Médéeღ: Are we looking in the same direction ?:)
Médéeღ: Couple of friends
Médéeღ: Couple of friends 2
Médéeღ: Couple of friends 3
Médéeღ: Bladerunner 2