*Huismus: Cadell, Francis (Scottish, 1883-1937) - Iona, North End - 1923
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis (Scottish, 1883-19370 - Normandy Farmyard - 1907
*Huismus: Cadell, Frances (Scottish, 1883-1937) - Lady in White - s.d.
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis (Scottish, 1883-19370 - Cecilia nr. 2 - 1912
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis (Scottish, 1883-19370 - The Sea Avenue - 1934
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis (Scottish, 1883-1937) - Lady in Blue - 1918
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis (Scottish, 1883-1937) - Portrait of a Lady in Black - 1921
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis (Scottish, 1883-1937) - The Black Hat - 1914
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Cambell (Scottish, 1884-1937) - Reflexion - 1915
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Campbell (Scottish, 1883-1937 - Afternoon - 1913
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Campbell (Scottish, 1883-1937) - Florian's Café, Venice - s.d.
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Campbell (Scottish, 1883-1937) - Negro. Pensive - s.d.
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Campbell (Scottish, 1883-1937) - The Mirror - s.d.
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Campbell (Scottish, 1883-1937) - The Red Coat - s.d.
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Campbell (Scottish, 1883-1937) - The Rugby Player - c 1920
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Campbell (Scottish, 1884-1937) - Cassis, the Harbour - c 1924
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Campbell (Scottish, 1884-1937) - Iona - 1920
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Campbell (Scottish, 1884-1937) - Lady in Black - 1925
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Campbell (Scottish, 1884-1937) - The North End, Iona - c 1914
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis Campbell (Scottish, 1884-1937) - The Orange Blind - c 1929
*Huismus: Fergusson, John Duncan (Scottish, 1874-1961) - Paris - 1909
*Huismus: Fergusson, John Duncan (Scottish, 1874-1961) Bathers with Mirror - 1929
*Huismus: Fergusson, John Duncan (Scottish, 1874-1961) - A Harbour in the South - 1914
*Huismus: Fergusson, John Duncan (Scottish, 1874-1961) - Carrefour de l 'Observatoire - 1908
*Huismus: Fergusson, John Duncan (Scottish, 1874-1961) - Dancing, Cap d'Antibes - 1935
*Huismus: Fergusson, John Duncan (Scottish, 1874-1961) - Déjeuner en Vatel - 1938
*Huismus: Fergusson, John Duncan (Scottish, 1874-1961) - Houses with Seaview - 1925
*Huismus: Fergusson, John Duncan (Scottish, 1874-1961) - In a Paris' Restaurant - s.d.
*Huismus: Fergusson, John Duncan (Scottish, 1874-1961) - Pam - 1910
*Huismus: Fergusson, John Duncan (Scottish, 1874-1961) - Portrait of Eileen - 1941