*Huismus: Turner, Joseph Mallard (English, 1778-1851) - The Sarner See. Evening - 1842
*Huismus: Turner, Joseph Mallord (English, 1775-1851) - Saltash with the Water Ferry - 1811
*Huismus: Turner, Joseph Mallord ( English, 1775-1851) - Moonlight. A study at Millbank - 1797
*Huismus: Turner, William Mallord - Norham Castle Sunrise - 1859
*Huismus: Turner, Joseph Mallord - Helvoetsluys ships going out to sea - 1832
*Huismus: Turner, Joseph Mallord - Fishermen at sea - 1796
*Huismus: Turner, William - Alwick Castle by moonlight - c 1830
*Huismus: Turner, Joseph Mallord - Keelmen heaving in coals by night - 1835
*Huismus: Turner, Joseph Mallord (British, 1775-1851) - The Shipwreck - 1805