Anonymus - The meeting of Adam and Eve (Mosaic Duomo de Monreale, Sicily, Italy) - 12th C
Brueghel, Jan the elder (Flemish, 1569-1625) - Adam amd Eve in the garden of Eden - 1615
Brueghel, Jan the elder (Flemish, 1568-1625) - The earthly Paradise and the Fall of Adam and Eve - 1615
Cabanel, Alexandre (French, 1823-1889) - The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of Paradise - 1866
Eyck, Jan van (Netherlandish, 1390-1441) - Adam and Eve (Altarpiece Ghent, Belgium) - 1432
Giovanni di Paolo (Italian, 1399-1482) - The Creation of the World and the expulsion from Paradise - 1445
Limbourg Brothers (Netherlandish, c 1375-1416) - The Fall and the Expulsion from Paradise - 1415-16
Michelangelo (Italian, 1475-1564) - The Creation of Eve (fresco Sistine Chapel, Rome) - 1508-12