*Huismus: Anonymus (Spanish) - Adam and Eve - c 950
*Huismus: Anonymus - The meeting of Adam and Eve (Mosaic Duomo de Monreale, Sicily, Italy) - 12th C
*Huismus: Baldung Grien, Hans (German,, 1485-1545) - Adam and Eve - 1524
*Huismus: Baldung Grien, Hans (German,, 1485-1545) - Eve, the Serpent and Death - 1510-12
*Huismus: Baldung Grien, Hans (German, 1485-1545) - Adam and Eve 1531
*Huismus: Bouguereau, William (French, 1825-1905) - The First Mourning 1888
*Huismus: Brueghel, Jan the elder (Flemish, 1569-1625) - Adam amd Eve in the garden of Eden - 1615
*Huismus: Brueghel, Jan the elder (Flemish, 1568-1625) - The earthly Paradise and the Fall of Adam and Eve - 1615
*Huismus: Cabanel, Alexandre (French, 1823-1889) - The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of Paradise - 1866
*Huismus: Chagall, Marc (Russian, 1887-1985) - Adam and Eve - 1912
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the elder (German, 1472-1553) - Paradise - 1530
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the elder (German, 1472-1553) - Adam and Eve - 1526
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the elder (German, 1472-1553) - Adam and Eve - 1528
*Huismus: Eyck, Jan van (Netherlandish, 1390-1441) - Adam and Eve (Altarpiece Ghent, Belgium) - 1432
*Huismus: Friesz, Othon (French, 1879-1949) - Temptation. Adam and Eve - c 1910
*Huismus: Fussli, John - The dream of Eve - 1804
*Huismus: Giovanni di Paolo (Italian, 1399-1482) - The Creation of the World and the expulsion from Paradise - 1445
*Huismus: Gossaert, Jan (Netherlandish, 1478-1532) - Adam and Eve - 1525
*Huismus: Holbein, Hans the younger - German, 1497-1543) - Adam and Eve - 1517
*Huismus: Klimt, Gustave (Austrian, 1862-1918) - Adam and Eve (unfinished) - 1917-18
*Huismus: Lempicka, Tamara de (Polish, 1898-1982) - Adam and Eve - 1932
*Huismus: Limbourg Brothers (Netherlandish, c 1375-1416) - The Fall and the Expulsion from Paradise - 1415-16
*Huismus: Marstrand, Vilhelm (Danish, 1810-1873) - Adam and Eve (Detail) - s.d.
*Huismus: Marstrand, Vilhelm (Danish, 1810-1873)- Adam and Eve - s.d.
*Huismus: Masaccio, Tomasso (Italian, 1401-1428) - THe expulsion from Paradise (detail) - 1427
*Huismus: Michelangelo (Italian, 1475-1564) - The Creation of Eve (fresco Sistine Chapel, Rome) - 1508-12
*Huismus: Nolde, Emil (German, 1867-1956) - Paradise Lost - 1921
*Huismus: Nozdrin,Yuri (Lithanian, b 1949) - Adam and Eve on the Haywagon - 2002
*Huismus: Picabia, Francis (French, 1879-1938) - Adam and Eve - c 1931
*Huismus: Poussin, Nicolas (French, 1594-1665) - Spring. Adam amd Eve in Paradise - 1660-64