*Huismus: Rafael di Sanzio - Madonna of the Goldfinch - 1506
*Huismus: Rafael di Sanzio problably
*Huismus: Rafael Sanzio (Italian, 1481-1520) -The Adoration of the Magi - 1502-04
*Huismus: Raphael - Allegory - The knight's dream - c 1504
*Huismus: Raphael - Joanna of Aragon[detail] -
*Huismus: Raphael - Jooanna of Aragon - 1518
*Huismus: Raphael - Madonna of the Pinks - 1507
*Huismus: Raphael - The battle at Pons Milvius (freso Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican) - 1520-1524
*Huismus: Raphael - The Sistine Madonna - c 1513
*Huismus: Raphael - The small cowper madonna - 1505 (Private collection)
*Huismus: Rafael (Italian, 1483-1520) - Adam and Eve (fresco) - 1509-11