*Huismus: Baldung Grien, Hans (German,, 1485-1545) - Adam and Eve - 1524
*Huismus: Baldung Grien, Hans (German,, 1485-1545) - Eve, the Serpent and Death - 1510-12
*Huismus: Baldung Grien, Hans (German, 1484-1545) - Portrait of a Young Men with a Rosary - 1509
*Huismus: Baldung Grien, Hans (German, 1485-1545) - Adam and Eve 1531
*Huismus: Brueghel the Elder, Pieter (Flemish, c 1525-1569) - Triumph of Death (Fragment) - 1562
*Huismus: Brueghel, Jan the elder (Flemish, 1569-1625) - Adam amd Eve in the garden of Eden - 1615
*Huismus: Brueghel, Pieter the Elder (Netherlandish, died 1569 - The Harvesters - 1565
*Huismus: Brueghel, Pieter the Elder (Flemish, c 1525-1569) - The Triumph of Death - c. 1562
*Huismus: Campin, Robert (Flamish, 1378-1444) - Portrait of a Man - 1400-10
*Huismus: Christus, Petrus (Flemish, c1415-1476) - Nativity -1452
*Huismus: Cranach the Elder, Lucas - Portrait of a young woman - 1500-1533
*Huismus: Cranach the Elder, Lucas - Enthauptung Johannes des Täufers - 1515
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the elder (German, 1472-1553) - Portrait of a Man with a Rosary - c 1508
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the elder - Lot and his daughters - 1528
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the elder - Lot und seine Töchtern -
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the elder (1472-1533) - Portrait of a Woman-- - s.d.
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the elder (1472-1533) - The Virgin and the Child under an Appletree - s.d.
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the Elder (1472-1553) - Madonna mit Kinde - s.d. (Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, Netherlands)
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the elder (German , 1472-1553) Venus - 1532
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the elder (German, 1472-1553) - Paradise - 1536
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the Elder - Portrait of Dr Johannes Cuspinian- detail - s.d.
*Huismus: David, Gerard (Dutch, c 1460-1523) - The nativity - 1490
*Huismus: Dürer, Albrecht - Studies of a Tree Bullfinch - 1543
*Huismus: Dürer, Albrecht (German, 1471-1528) - Portrait of Jakob Muffel - 1526
*Huismus: Dürer, Albrecht (German, 1471-1528) - Portrait of a Young Girl - 1507
*Huismus: Dürer, Albrecht (German, 1471-1528) - St. Anne with the Virgin (detail) - 1519
*Huismus: Dürer, Albrecht - Little owl -1508
*Huismus: Dürer, Albrecht - Lot and his daughters escape from Sodom - c 1498
*Huismus: Eyck, Jan van (Netherlandish, 1390-1441) - Adam and Eve (Altarpiece Ghent, Belgium) - 1432
*Huismus: Fouquet, Jean (French, 1420-1480) - The building of a Cathedral - c 1465