*Huismus: Albani, Francesco - Rest on the flight into Egypt - c 1640
*Huismus: Bartholomeus Bruyn - Adoration -Altartafel St JohannKirche Essen, Germany - c 1530
*Huismus: Biagio d'Antonio - Madonna worshipping the Child with an Angel - 1475
*Huismus: Bondone, Giotto de (Italian, 1267-1337) - Nativity (fresco) - c 1310
*Huismus: Botticelli, Sandro - Adoration of the Christ-child ('Wemyss Madonna') -
*Huismus: Botticelli, Sandro - Adoration of the Magi - 1477
*Huismus: Botticelli, Sandro - The mystical Nativity - c 1500
*Huismus: Bouts, Dieric the elder - Nativity - c 1445
*Huismus: Bronzino, Agnoli - Adoration of the Shepherds - 1540
*Huismus: Brueghel, Pieter the elder - Massacre of the Innocents - 1565
*Huismus: Brueghel, Pieter the younger (1617-1638) - The massacre of the innocents - s.d.
*Huismus: Campin, Robert - Nativity of the Child - 1429
*Huismus: Carpaccio, Vittore - The flight into Egypt - 1500
*Huismus: Christus, Petrus (Flemish, c1415-1476) - Nativity -1452
*Huismus: Correggio - Mary's adoration of the Child - 1518-20
*Huismus: Costa, Lorenzo - Nativity - 1490
*Huismus: Daddi, Bernardo - Nativity - c 1325-50
*Huismus: David, Gerard (Dutch, c 1460-1523) - The nativity - 1490
*Huismus: David, Gerard (1455-1520) - Rest on the flight into Egypt - s.d
*Huismus: Domenichino - The rest on the flight into Egypt - 1606
*Huismus: Duccio di Buonsinsegna - Nativity - c 1310
*Huismus: Elsheimer, Adam - Flucht nach Ägypten - 1609
*Huismus: Filippino Lippi - Adoration of the Magi -1496
*Huismus: Follower Jan van Kalkar - The adoration of the Christ-Child - c 1515
*Huismus: Fra Bartelomeo - The Holy Family - c 1499
*Huismus: Geertgen tot Sint Jans (Dutch, c 1465- c 1495) - Nativity at Night - c 1490
*Huismus: Ghirlandaio, Domenico - Adoration of the Magi - 1488
*Huismus: Giorgione - Adoration of the Magi - 1510
*Huismus: Giorgione - The adoration of the Shepherds - 1510
*Huismus: Giotto di Boldoni - Massacre of the Innocents (Lower Church San Francesco , Assisi, Italy ) c 1311