*Huismus: Baldung Grien, Hans - Virgin and Child in a room - s.d.
*Huismus: Beato Angelico (1400-1455) - Mother of God with the Child giving a blessing(detail) - s.d. (San Marco Convent, Firenze)
*Huismus: Bellini, Giovanni - Madonna col Bambino , detail of Triptich dei Frari - 1488 (Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa, Venice, Italy)
*Huismus: Botticelli, Sandro (1445-1510) - Madonna and Child enthroned with Saints - s.d. (Uffizi, Firenze)
*Huismus: Bouts, Dieric - Virgin and Child -1465
*Huismus: Celesti, Andrea (1617-1721) - Madonna and Child with St Anthony of Padua - s.d.
*Huismus: Cesare da Sesto (1477-1523) - Holy Family with St Catherine - s.d.
*Huismus: Cima da Conegliano, Giovanni - Madonna and Child - c 1500
*Huismus: Cimabue (Cenni di Pepo) - Santa Trinita Madonna - c 1280
*Huismus: Conca Sebastiano (1680-1764) - Madonna with Sleeping_Child - s.d.
*Huismus: Cranach, Lucas the elder (1472-1533) - The Virgin and the Child under an Appletree - s.d.
*Huismus: Crevelli, Carlo - Madonna and Child - c 1480
*Huismus: David, Gerard - (Detail of) Rest on the flight into Egypt - c 1500
*Huismus: Dossi, Dosso - Madonna and Child - c 1425 (Galleria Borghese, Rome, Italy)
*Huismus: Earliest Western Madonna and Child - from The Book of the Kells - 8th Century
*Huismus: Eyck, Jan van - The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin - 1435
*Huismus: Florentin Master - Madonna et Enfant - c 1480
*Huismus: Fouquet, Jean - Madonna with child - c 1450
*Huismus: Fra Angelico - Madonna and Child - 1433
*Huismus: Fra Angelico - Madonna and Child (Altarpiece, now in Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia) - 1437
*Huismus: Fra Angelico - Virgin and Child with saints Dominic and Thomas Aquinas - 1424-30
*Huismus: Fra Angelico - Virgin and Child enthroned with twelve Angels - 1430-33
*Huismus: Francesco di Valdambrino (attr. a) - statue Our Lady of the Clergymen - 15th century (Cathedral at Volterra, Italy)
*Huismus: Ghirlandaio, Domenico - La Vierge et l'Enfant avec le jeune St. Jean-Baptiste - 1490
*Huismus: Giotto di Bandone - Madonna and Child - 1295-1300
*Huismus: Giotto di Bondone - Ognissanti Madonna - c 1303
*Huismus: Gossaert, Jan - Virgin and child - 1525
*Huismus: Gossaert, Jan - Virgin and child - c 1522
*Huismus: Guido da Siena - Maria and the Christ Child - c 1270 (San Dominico-church Siena)
*Huismus: Joost van Cleve - Virgin and Child - 1535