*Huismus: Abel, Catherine (Australian) - Moulin Rouge - c 2002
*Huismus: Alexander, John White (American, 1856-1915) - Young woman arranging her hair - s.d.
*Huismus: Anschutz, Thomas (American - 1851-1912) - A passing glance - s
*Huismus: Ansell, Mary Jane (British, contemporary) - Girl at a Mirror - s.d.
*Huismus: Archer, Anna (Danish, 1859-1935) - Young Woman in front of a Mirror - 1899
*Huismus: Armstrong, Rolf (American, 1889-1966) - Woman in front of a Mirror - 1912
*Huismus: Arquer-Buigas, Cayetano de (Spanish, b. 1932 - Woman at the Mirror - 1984
*Huismus: Arquer-Buigas, Cayetano de (Spanish, b. 1932) - Woman at the Mirror - s.d.
*Huismus: Bahamonde, Aldo ( b. 1963, Chili) - Eva before the mirror - s.d.
*Huismus: Balla, Giacomo - We four in the mirror - 1945
*Huismus: Balthus - Cat in the mirror III - 1989-94
*Huismus: Belyukin, Dmitry (Russian, 1962 ) - The Mirror - c. 1992
*Huismus: Blanchard, Maria (Spanish, 1881-1932) - La Toilette - s.d.
*Huismus: Blanche, Jacques-Emile (French, 1861-1942) - In the Mirror - s.d.
*Huismus: Bloch, Carl (Danish, 1834-1890) - Woman at her Toilette 1882
*Huismus: Blumberg, Ron - My broken mirror - 1936
*Huismus: Boldini, Giovanni (Italian, 1842-1931 - The Beauty before the Mirror - 1888
*Huismus: Bonnard, Pierre (French, 1867-1947) - Female Nude in a Full-length Mirror - 1914
*Huismus: Bonnard, Pierre (French, 1867-1947) - Lady at the Mirror - 1905
*Huismus: Borch, Gerard ter - Woman at a mirror - c 1650
*Huismus: Boulet, Cyprien Eugene (French, 1877-1927) -Nu chez le Miroir - s.d
*Huismus: Breitner, George (Dutch, 1857-1923) - Before the Mirror - s.d.
*Huismus: Breitner, George (Dutch, 1857-1923) - The Ear Drop - 1894
*Huismus: Breslau, Maria Louise (German, Swiss, 1856-1927) - La Toilette - 1896
*Huismus: Brown, Elizabeth (British, b 1910) - The Dressing Room - 1931
*Huismus: Brunery, Francois - Vanity - c1880
*Huismus: Budkin, Philippe - Girl in front of a mirror - s.d.
*Huismus: Burne-Jones, Edward - The Mirror of Venus - 1875
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis (Scottish, 1883-19370 - Cecilia nr. 2 - 1912
*Huismus: Cadell, Francis (Scottish, 1883-1937) - Lady in Blue - 1918