*Huismus: Adolf Dietrich - Eisvogel in Winterlandschaft - 1953
*Huismus: Adriaen van der Venne - Bleaching-field in Dutch landscape - c 1630
*Huismus: Alex Colville - Seven crows 1958
*Huismus: Alex Colville - Heron - 1977
*Huismus: Asselyn, Jan - The threatened swan - c 1640
*Huismus: Backus, Albert (American, 1096-1991) - Egrets' Roost, Fort Pierce - 1885
*Huismus: Balthus - Lelia Caetani - 1935
*Huismus: Bateman, Robert - Crowned cranes flying - Ngotongoro - c 2000
*Huismus: Bateman, Robert - Whistling Swan at Lake Erie - 1976
*Huismus: Bateman, Robert - Wide Horizon - Tundra Swan - s.d.
*Huismus: Beechey, William (English, 1753-1839) - Peasant Girl with Doves - s.d.
*Huismus: Benson, Frank W. (American, 1862-1951) - Evening - 1925
*Huismus: Bloch, Albert - Gulls - 1941
*Huismus: Bloch, Albert - Winter in the dead wood - 1934
*Huismus: Braque, Georges (French, 1882-1963) - Birds on blue - 1953
*Huismus: Braque, Georges (French, 1882-1963) - Birds - .c 1956
*Huismus: Braque, L'Oiseau et son Nid 1956
*Huismus: Brueghel, workshop of Jan the Younger (Flemish, 1601-1678) - Chorus of Birds - s.d.
*Huismus: Bruett, Thierry - Le fauconnier - s.d.
*Huismus: Buchholz, Quint (German, b. 1951) - Spring Day - 2005
*Huismus: Bunt, Gary (British, b 1957) - The Bird - s.d.
*Huismus: Burchfield, Charles - The mysterious bird - 1917
*Huismus: Burian, Zdenek - Pterodactylis (Illustration from the book 'Prehistoric Birds and Reptiles") - 1961
*Huismus: Byeon Sang-yeok (Korean, 1730-....) - Myojakdo (Painting of Cats and Sparrows) - s.d
*Huismus: Calassione, Colette - Two birds for a kiss - 2000
*Huismus: Camaron Prunsep, Valentine - The owl - 1863
*Huismus: Carl Friedrich Lessing - Landschaft mit Krähen - 1830
*Huismus: Chelmonski, Jozef - The returning of the storks -1900
*Huismus: Chelmonski, Jozef - Cranes taking off -1871
*Huismus: Colville, Alex - Cycliste and crow 1981