VJK in London: invite_march1
VJK in London: cupcakes and champagne
VJK in London: ariel cupcakes
VJK in London: happy birthday
VJK in London: debbie & matt
VJK in London: captivated audience
VJK in London: it was this big
VJK in London: Maelor, Jill, Paul & cheeeese
VJK in London: pregnant cousin
VJK in London: ladies in a line
VJK in London: DSC02761
VJK in London: Kirby-s and Jones-s
VJK in London: uncle Mae
VJK in London: matching cupcakes and flowers
VJK in London: baby heaven
VJK in London: James 3
VJK in London: matty & hendrien
VJK in London: getting ready to go
VJK in London: matty hendrien debbie 7 matt
VJK in London: james and paul reflect on....
VJK in London: helen, james & me... and a cupcake
VJK in London: check out that sky
VJK in London: getting down with the kids
VJK in London: coordinating flowers and cupcakes
VJK in London: present from hell 1