VJK in London: view - spot the geek squad car!
VJK in London: Must be new york
VJK in London: view to the left
VJK in London: view to the right
VJK in London: the - ahem - dining room
VJK in London: front door
VJK in London: as much as furniture as possible
VJK in London: how much furniture can you fit ina room?
VJK in London: sofa bed
VJK in London: check out the rug
VJK in London: squishy sitting
VJK in London: favourite wall
VJK in London: Can you see my PC?
VJK in London: LARGE bathroom
VJK in London: kitchen - to the left
VJK in London: kitchen - to the right
VJK in London: bedroom_left
VJK in London: Pashpad