Frank the Hat: Graureiher - (Ardea cinerea) - Grey Heron
Frank the Hat: Junge Amsel
Frank the Hat: Flughund - Fruit Bat (Flying Fox) (Pteropus vampyrus)
Frank the Hat: Blacktip Shark
Frank the Hat: 2014-07-17 10.39.20
Frank the Hat: 2014-07-18 10.36.05
Frank the Hat: 2014-07-18 10.24.27
Frank the Hat: 2014-07-18 10.14.54
Frank the Hat: 2014-07-18 10.14.37
Frank the Hat: Flughund - Fruit Bat (Flying Fox) (Pteropus vampyrus)
Frank the Hat: Flughund - Fruit Bat (Flying Fox) (Pteropus vampyrus)
Frank the Hat: Flughund - Fruit Bat (Flying Fox) (Pteropus vampyrus)
Frank the Hat: Blacktip Shark
Frank the Hat: Yak in Nepal
Frank the Hat: 2014-07-17 11.38.54
Frank the Hat: Eintagsfliege - Ephemeroptera
Frank the Hat: Grünes Heupferd
Frank the Hat: Butterfly
Frank the Hat: Spatz im Landeanflug
Frank the Hat: Spatz im Landeanflug
Frank the Hat: Kalifornischer Ziesel, Erdhörnchen
Frank the Hat: The Cat