Zyla, K. alone: Izaak's Street. Kazimierz. Krakow. Poland
Zyla, K. alone: Arch and the closed doors
Zyla, K. alone: Fingerprints of time
Zyla, K. alone: Entrance to the pre-war High Synagogue
Zyla, K. alone: An old synagogue
Zyla, K. alone: Jozef Street window
Zyla, K. alone: IMG_20131004_104440
Zyla, K. alone: IMG_20131004_102622
Zyla, K. alone: IMG_20131004_102304
Zyla, K. alone: Repeating niches. What did they serve for ?
Zyla, K. alone: Stairs to the upper level in a synagogue
Zyla, K. alone: Jozef Street in Kazimierz
Zyla, K. alone: Windows on Jozef Street
Zyla, K. alone: IMG_20131004_100931
Zyla, K. alone: Local banking system alegory
Zyla, K. alone: IMG_20131004_095155
Zyla, K. alone: Trees and tower
Zyla, K. alone: St. Bernard's church in Krakow
Zyla, K. alone: Autumn on the Wawel hill
Zyla, K. alone: Cathedral on the Wawel hill
Zyla, K. alone: Wawel defence walls
Zyla, K. alone: Autumn on the Wawel hill
Zyla, K. alone: Autumn vine
Zyla, K. alone: Autumn on the Wawel hill (2)
Zyla, K. alone: Enterance to the Wawel cathedral
Zyla, K. alone: Kanonicza Street and Wawel hill view
Zyla, K. alone: IMG_20131004_090128
Zyla, K. alone: You'd better putting some on Flickr, man
Zyla, K. alone: St Mary basilica in Krakow. Backview
Zyla, K. alone: Tops of St Cross church in Krakow