Mini-DV: Rockefeller Center
Mini-DV: Rockefeller Center
Mini-DV: Brooklyn Bridge
Mini-DV: new york street
Mini-DV: City Hall
Mini-DV: Time Square
Mini-DV: Central Park Bridge
Mini-DV: Central Park
Mini-DV: New York Subway Train
Mini-DV: Traffic Officer
Mini-DV: Grand Central Station
Mini-DV: The Empire State Building
Mini-DV: The Unisphere
Mini-DV: Subway Train
Mini-DV: Rockefeller Center
Mini-DV: Crysler Building
Mini-DV: NY China Town
Mini-DV: The Flat Iron Building
Mini-DV: United Nations
Mini-DV: NY streets with Empire State Building
Mini-DV: IMG_3762
Mini-DV: NY China Town
Mini-DV: Grand Central & Yellow Taxi
Mini-DV: Subway Train
Mini-DV: Park Avenue
Mini-DV: Citi Field
Mini-DV: Time Square
Mini-DV: Madison SQ
Mini-DV: Grand Central Station
Mini-DV: Grand Central Station