mikeandhisplants: Yellow lady's slipper close up
mikeandhisplants: Yellow lady's slipper group
mikeandhisplants: Yellow lady's slipper
mikeandhisplants: False Solomon's seal
mikeandhisplants: fading trillium
mikeandhisplants: Painted turtle reflection
mikeandhisplants: Painted turtle
mikeandhisplants: Jack in the pulpit
mikeandhisplants: rural road
mikeandhisplants: Solomon's Seal
mikeandhisplants: Asarum canadensis
mikeandhisplants: Asarum canadensis Wild Ginger flower
mikeandhisplants: Trillium grandiflorum pink variety
mikeandhisplants: Jack in the pulpit Arisaema triphyllum
mikeandhisplants: Fringed Polygala
mikeandhisplants: Canada Mayflower
mikeandhisplants: Starflower
mikeandhisplants: Trillium erectum
mikeandhisplants: Platanthera orchid ? with wild lily of the valley
mikeandhisplants: lady's slipper habitat
mikeandhisplants: Cypripedium calceolus
mikeandhisplants: blue eyed grass
mikeandhisplants: Showy Orchis Galearis spectabilis
mikeandhisplants: Arisaema triphyllum
mikeandhisplants: Sulphur spring Saugeen River Conservation Area Hanover Ontario
mikeandhisplants: Bumble bee visiting Great Blue Lobelia - Lobelia siphilitica
mikeandhisplants: Cabbage White butterflys mating
mikeandhisplants: Well camouflaged grasshopper