swiftranch: Tree Swallow
swiftranch: Tree Swallow at Lighthouse
swiftranch: Water Snake sign
swiftranch: Kids at bird banding station
swiftranch: Male and female Barn Swallows
swiftranch: Fox snake
swiftranch: Gibraltar Island
swiftranch: Herring Gull nest on Gibraltar Island
swiftranch: Herring Gull eggs
swiftranch: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
swiftranch: Great ladies
swiftranch: Violets
swiftranch: Baltimore Oriole in mist net
swiftranch: Weighing Oriole
swiftranch: Hummingbird banding
swiftranch: Verna releasing hummingbird
swiftranch: Horned Grebe Pelee
swiftranch: Jet Express to Point Pelee NP
swiftranch: Benson Ford Shiphouse, Put-in-Bay
swiftranch: Great Horned Owlets Point Pelee NP
swiftranch: White-crowned Sparrow Put-in-Bay
swiftranch: Black-throated Green Warbler Magee Marsh
swiftranch: Baltimore Oriole Magee Marsh
swiftranch: Midland Painted Turtles_Magee Marsh
swiftranch: Muskrat Magee Marsh
swiftranch: Yellow Warbler_Magee Marsh
swiftranch: Trillium