Sebastianlund: RadioDramaLive
Sebastianlund: Radio Drama Mix
Sebastianlund: Sennheiser MKH 60
Sebastianlund: Sennheiser MKH 60
Sebastianlund: Neumann mics
Sebastianlund: DPA mic
Sebastianlund: Neumann mics
Sebastianlund: Mix Strip
Sebastianlund: Mix Strip Close-Up
Sebastianlund: Opera2.JPG
Sebastianlund: Plasa 2006
Sebastianlund: Plasa ID
Sebastianlund: Faders DM1000 2
Sebastianlund: Faders DM1000
Sebastianlund: The Europeans
Sebastianlund: Mix strip on the wall
Sebastianlund: recording the console
Sebastianlund: Turbinehallen