green_lover (your COMMENTS are welcome!): "Sniff, sniff... I smell hay there! Mmmm..." ;)
green_lover (your COMMENTS are welcome!): "Sniff, sniff... what is there?" :)
green_lover (your COMMENTS are welcome!): "Ohh gosh! How she found me here?" ;)
green_lover (your COMMENTS are welcome!): "Benek, go out - the cage is OPEN!" ;))
green_lover (your COMMENTS are welcome!): "I'm looking at you!" ;))
green_lover (your COMMENTS are welcome!): "Hmmm... What is there?.. (sniff, sniff)..." ;)))
green_lover (your COMMENTS are welcome!): "I'm only standing... And what?" ;))
green_lover (your COMMENTS are welcome!): "O gosshh, she found me!..." ;-))
green_lover (your COMMENTS are welcome!): "Can I polish your shoes?" ;))