Kodak Agfa:
President Morsi of Egypt on Time Magazine cover
Kodak Agfa:
Ramses II on the cover of the time
Kodak Agfa:
Kodak Agfa:
President Sadat on the time cover for the fifth time
Kodak Agfa:
President Sadat on the cover of the time for the 9th time
Kodak Agfa:
President Sadat exclusive memoirs in Time Magazine
Kodak Agfa:
President Sadat on the time cover for the fourth time "Person of the year"
Kodak Agfa:
Presidet Sadat on the cover of the time for the 7th time
Kodak Agfa:
President Sadat on the time cover for the third time
Kodak Agfa:
President Sadat on the cover of the time for the second time
Kodak Agfa:
President Sadat on the cover of the time for the fifth time
Kodak Agfa:
President Sadat on the cover of the time for the third time
Kodak Agfa:
President Sadat on the cove of the time for the second time
Kodak Agfa:
President Sadat on the cover of the time for the first time
Kodak Agfa:
President Nasser on the cover of the time for the sixth time
Kodak Agfa:
Presidnet Nasser on the cover of the time for the fifth time
Kodak Agfa:
President Nasser on the cover of the time for the fourth time
Kodak Agfa:
President Nasser on the cover of the time for third time
Kodak Agfa:
President Nasser on the cover of the time for second time
Kodak Agfa:
President Nasser on the cover of the time for the first time
Kodak Agfa:
President Mohamed Naguib on the cover of the Time
Kodak Agfa:
King Farouk on the cover of the time for the second time
Kodak Agfa:
King Farouk on the cover of the time for the first time
Kodak Agfa:
King Fouad I on the cover of the time