Kodak Agfa:
In the Freemasonic lodge dinner party
Kodak Agfa:
The Pasha and the general
Kodak Agfa:
People love for President Naguib
Kodak Agfa:
President Naguib in Mena
Kodak Agfa:
Kodak Agfa:
With his sons
Kodak Agfa:
President Mohamed Naguib in the El-Halal Publishing house
Kodak Agfa:
With the Foregin Correspondents
Kodak Agfa:
Naguib with his sons in a Mosque
Kodak Agfa:
Naguib likes Naguib by Rakha-1953
Kodak Agfa:
In 1948 war
Kodak Agfa:
President Naguib and a friend
Kodak Agfa:
Presidents Naguib and Nasser
Kodak Agfa:
President Naguib attending a Jewish ceremony
Kodak Agfa:
President Mohamed Naguib in his last days
Kodak Agfa:
President Naguib in Sudan
Kodak Agfa:
The three heads
Kodak Agfa:
Naguib and Maher
Kodak Agfa:
In Hijaz
Kodak Agfa:
President Naguib in exile
Kodak Agfa:
Presidents Ns in the car
Kodak Agfa:
President Mohamed receiving complains
Kodak Agfa:
Looking to the future
Kodak Agfa:
Naguib and Stevenson
Kodak Agfa:
The brotherhood celebrates the President
Kodak Agfa:
Presidents Mohamed Naguib and Nasser
Kodak Agfa:
In the train
Kodak Agfa:
President Naguib and his brother
Kodak Agfa:
Old games
Kodak Agfa:
Naguib and MB-1