The KDH archive:
1977 December Pocklington Phillips NDP426 and ORX280
The KDH archive:
74 309 221274 Pocklington Station Building
The KDH archive:
74 308 221274 Pocklington Station Buildings
The KDH archive:
19800505 Pocklington GAT814D
The KDH archive:
19772405 Pocklington GAT799D
The KDH archive:
19771806 Pocklington CKH782C
The KDH archive:
19761809 Pocklington NRH172P
The KDH archive:
19761809 Pocklington PAT953M
The KDH archive:
19761502 Pocklington 9735AT
The KDH archive:
19750507 Pocklington RKH876G
The KDH archive:
261075 Pocklington Phillips URR864 ex Barton
The KDH archive:
110975 Pocklington Bailey VBF404D
The KDH archive:
100679 Pocklington Philips 324EDV and DAX612C
The KDH archive:
050775 Pocklington Phillips XXT511
The KDH archive:
050580 Pocklington Phillips ARN549B ex Ribble
The KDH archive:
150276 Pocklington Phillips AEK516
The KDH archive:
230375 Pocklington Phillips 994VRR and 760CVT
The KDH archive:
RHR892 Pocklington Phillips 220276
The KDH archive:
19751407 Pocklington PKH844G
The KDH archive:
19742212 Pocklington West Yorkshire WWT177L (1041)
The KDH archive:
19742212 Pocklington 9716AT 9717AT 9720AT