The KDH archive:
77 241 281077 Edinburgh 40099
The KDH archive:
77 240 281077 Edinburgh 40064
The KDH archive:
77 238 281077 Edinburgh 40066 and Class27
The KDH archive:
77 239 281077 Edinburgh 55005
The KDH archive:
77 234 281077 Edinburgh 45075
The KDH archive:
77 233 281077 Edinburgh 25078
The KDH archive:
77 232 271077 Edinburgh 55004
The KDH archive:
77 228 271077 Edinburgh 40070
The KDH archive:
77 226 261077 Edinburgh 26007
The KDH archive:
77 225 261077 Edinburgh 40141
The KDH archive:
77 223 231077 Edinburgh 40057
The KDH archive:
77 222 231077 Edinburgh 40151
The KDH archive:
77 221 231077 Edinburgh 27211
The KDH archive:
77 219 231077 Edinburgh 40049
The KDH archive:
77 220 231077 Edinburgh 26023+26014
The KDH archive:
77 217 231077 Edinburgh 47172 and 40153
The KDH archive:
77 218 231077 Edinburgh 55003
The KDH archive:
77 216 231077 Edin Wav 25188 on pw train
The KDH archive:
74 246 230774 Edinburgh 40186
The KDH archive:
74 247 230774 Edinburgh 27112
The KDH archive:
74 245 230774 Edinburgh 27201 and 47469
The KDH archive:
82 017 230382 27004 Edinburgh
The KDH archive:
82 016 230382 27038 Edinburgh
The KDH archive:
82 015 230382 20171 and 27020 Edinburgh
The KDH archive:
82 014 230382 47546 Edinburgh
The KDH archive:
82 010 230382 Edinburgh Waverley 47461
The KDH archive:
82 013 230382 47712 Edinburgh
The KDH archive:
82 012 230382 25227 Edinburgh
The KDH archive:
82 011 230382 Edinburgh Waverley 26015
The KDH archive:
AH 017 October 1977 Edinburgh 25078