The KDH archive: 77 082 010677 York Trans Pennine dmu
The KDH archive: 77 009 210177 York DMU
The KDH archive: 74 305 151174 Beverley
The KDH archive: 74 303 121174 Lincoln Central
The KDH archive: 74 233 200774 DMU Tay Bridge
The KDH archive: 74 182 270674 Lambley
The KDH archive: 74 181 270674 Lambley Viaduct
The KDH archive: 74 177 260674 Dirleton
The KDH archive: 74 176 260674 Dirleton
The KDH archive: 74 174 260674 Drem 40086 and 47210
The KDH archive: 74 173 260674 North Berwick
The KDH archive: 74 172 260674 North Berwick
The KDH archive: 74 169 260674 Drem DMU
The KDH archive: 74 167 260674 Drem DMU
The KDH archive: 74 087 130574 Whitehaven Station
The KDH archive: 75 079 241075 Whitby Station dmu's
The KDH archive: 75 068 210775 Sheffield 45006
The KDH archive: 75 056 180775 Melton Mowbray 11.15 Bham-Norwich
The KDH archive: 75 045 140675 Filey DMU
The KDH archive: 75 042 140675 Bridlington
The KDH archive: 75 042 140675 Filey Holiday Camp Station
The KDH archive: 75 026 220575 Beverley DMU
The KDH archive: 75 011 220375 Leeds 31147 +dmu
The KDH archive: 75 008 050275 Beverley dmu
The KDH archive: 76 072 041076 Aylesbury
The KDH archive: 76 039 June 1976 DMU
The KDH archive: 76 024 170476 Liskeard DMU
The KDH archive: 76 002 080276 Chester Chester-Wolverhampton
The KDH archive: 73 002 190173 High Wycombe DMU
The KDH archive: 73 007 190173 Henley DMU