The KDH archive: 75 077 230875 Chester 40134
The KDH archive: 75 075 110875 Preston 40171
The KDH archive: 75 049 150675 Beverley 40195
The KDH archive: 75 037 310575 Rhyl 40118
The KDH archive: 75 034 310575 Rhyl 40038
The KDH archive: 75 013 230375 Church Fenton 40044
The KDH archive: 75 012 220375 Leeds 40031
The KDH archive: 76 078 191176 York Shed Yard
The KDH archive: 76 068 280876 Conwy Class 40
The KDH archive: 76 066 140876 Scarborough 40037
The KDH archive: 76 032 050676 Driffield Class 40122
The KDH archive: 77 074 280577 York 40153
The KDH archive: 77 070 280577 York 40131
The KDH archive: 77 079 010677 York 40157
The KDH archive: 77 076 280577 York 40001
The KDH archive: 77 084 010677 York Dringhouses 40059
The KDH archive: 77 083 010677 York 40006
The KDH archive: 77 086 010677 York 40150
The KDH archive: 77 100 290677 Gateshead 47402
The KDH archive: 77 099 290677 Gateshead 40086
The KDH archive: 77 105 010777 Manchester Victoria 40130
The KDH archive: 77 102 290677 Newcastle 40080
The KDH archive: 77 109 090777 Rhyl 40110
The KDH archive: 77 108 090777 Rhyl 40109
The KDH archive: 77 109 090777 Rhyl 40042
The KDH archive: 77 107 090777 Rhyl 40117
The KDH archive: 77 118 120777 Lancaster 40193
The KDH archive: 77 125 130777 Abergele 40025
The KDH archive: 77 122 130777 Chester 40016
The KDH archive: 77 121 120777 Preston 40008