swindondel: 56302 'Peco The Railway Modeller 2016 70 Years'
swindondel: 56302 'Peco The Railway Modeller 2016 70 Years'
swindondel: 56302 'Peco The Railway Modeller 2016 70 Years'
swindondel: 56301 & 37905
swindondel: 56312
swindondel: 56312
swindondel: 56312
swindondel: 56104, 56081 & 37905
swindondel: 56104, 56081 & 37905
swindondel: 56078 is seen at a wet North Staffs Junction with the 14.50 Washwood Heath Met Cammell to Boston Docks. Wed 19.08.2015.
swindondel: 56078 is seen at a wet North Staffs Junction with the 14.50 Washwood Heath Met Cammell to Boston Docks. Wed 19.08.2015.
swindondel: 56312 is seen working light engine as 0Z34 Washwood Heath Metro Cammell to Stockton as it passes North Staffs Junction. Wed 19.08.2015.
swindondel: 56018 stabled with what is probably 73966 and 92023 in the test house. Sun 18.07.2015.
swindondel: 56103
swindondel: 56069 is seen on Leicester depot. Sat 27.09.2014.
swindondel: 56311
swindondel: 56091
swindondel: 56091
swindondel: 56301
swindondel: 56301
swindondel: 56303, 86228 (450 007) & 86242 (450 008)
swindondel: 56094
swindondel: 56094 at the head of 6E07 Washwood Heath to Boston Docks passing through a west Tamworth HL. Fri 22.06.2012.
swindondel: 56094
swindondel: 56018
swindondel: 56312 'Artemis' and 56311
swindondel: 56312 'Artemis'
swindondel: 56312 'Artemis'
swindondel: 56311
swindondel: 56074 & 56037