Tessa LJ: Yellow sunshine Flower
Tessa LJ: little guest at the flower
Tessa LJ: My friend, the flower
Tessa LJ: star of the flowers
Tessa LJ: funny flower
Tessa LJ: flower in the sun
Tessa LJ: flowers in the summer
Tessa LJ: pink lady
Tessa LJ: DSCN0186
Tessa LJ: snowdrop in spring
Tessa LJ: snowdrop in spring 2
Tessa LJ: DSCN8452
Tessa LJ: awaiting spring
Tessa LJ: Daisy, daisy ...
Tessa LJ: DSCN8449
Tessa LJ: DSCN8487
Tessa LJ: energy of nature
Tessa LJ: crocus in spring
Tessa LJ: lying upside-down
Tessa LJ: shadows on a crocus
Tessa LJ: crocus
Tessa LJ: blossom in sun
Tessa LJ: not open yet
Tessa LJ: unusual coloured blossom
Tessa LJ: pink blossom (2)
Tessa LJ: pink blossom
Tessa LJ: power of the sun
Tessa LJ: blossom
Tessa LJ: blossom in spring
Tessa LJ: purple flower