Nick the Hiker:
20240520_080213_Kagel Mountain Trailhead at Dillon Divide, EL 2,736' (off Little Tujunga Canyon Road), CA
Nick the Hiker:
20240520_082038_Mendenhall Ridge Road (Forest Rte 4N35)
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0001_Creek monkeyflower
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0016_Canterbury bells
Nick the Hiker:
20240520_082418_Mendenhall Ridge Road (Forest Rte 4N35)
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0027_California pearly everlasting
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0029_Canterbury bells
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0035_Cobweb thistle
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0037_Yerba santa
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0042_Clarkia, Golden Yarrow, and Popcorn flower
Nick the Hiker:
20240520_083817_Golden yarrow
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0050_Dew on Vergin's bower, Clematis
Nick the Hiker:
MVI_0080_Chinese houses
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0084_Chinese houses
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0089_Golden yarrow and Chinese houses
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0092_Caterpillar phacelia
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
20240520_090821_Dew on Spider web
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0112_Dew on Spider web
Nick the Hiker:
MVI_0114_Caterpillar phacelia
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0116_Caterpillar phacelia
Nick the Hiker:
MVI_0124_Indian paintbrush
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0125_Indian paintbrush
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0129_Purple nightshade
Nick the Hiker:
MVI_0131_Purple nightshade
Nick the Hiker:
IMG_0132_Purple nightshade
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker:
Nick the Hiker: