Nick the Hiker: 20240429_075143_San Antonio Falls Trailhead off Mt. Baldy Road
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_075909
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0001_San Antonio Falls (3-tiers, 100' tall)
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_080830_San Antonio Falls (3-tiers, 100' tall)
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_081929
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_084558
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_093031
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_093935_Baldy Notch (7,800')
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_094002
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_095341_Baldy Notch (7,800')
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_101300
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_101818
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_102755_Baldy Notch (7,800')
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_103827_Continuing on to Thunder Mountain
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_104004
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_104112
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_104519_Joy, Mark, Steve R, and Vera continued on to Thunder Mountain. Others turned back
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_104647
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_104713
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_104811
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_105121
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_105836_Baldy Notch
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_111122
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_112028
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_112044
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_112401
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_112803
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_113158
Nick the Hiker: 20240429_121010_Ontario Ridge in view
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0002_San Antonio Falls (3-tiers, 100' tall)