Nick the Hiker: 20240327_074800_Sam Merrill Trailhead at top of Lake Ave (Cobb Estate), Altadena, CA
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_074913
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_075131
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_080120
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_080222
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0001_Wild mushroom
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_081313
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_082109
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_082526_Blue Ceanothus
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_083611
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0005+0007_Common catchfly (non-native), aka windmill pink
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0010_Ceanothus
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_085357
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_085514
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0014_Rock cress
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_090519
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_091354
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0035
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_094404
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_094702_Thank you all for beautifying Echo Mountain with placing new plaques, new benches, and cleaning out the weeds.
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_094714
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_095027
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_095133
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_095738
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_095253
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0049
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_101204
Nick the Hiker: MVI_0059
Nick the Hiker: IMG_0064
Nick the Hiker: 20240327_102725