Nick the Hiker: 20240304_083055_en route to Akawie via Angeles Forest Hwy and Upper Big Tujunga Canyon Road.
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_083418
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_083548_Hwy 2 closed just past Mt. Akawie Trailhead
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_085711_Snow at Mt. Akawie Trailhead
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_090021: 39°F at the Trailhead with 10 to 15 mph wind (windchill 32°F)
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_090952_Snow covered Waterman Mountain
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_091000
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_091623
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_091817
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_091838
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_094056
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_094138
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_094304_Rime ice on trees
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_094410
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_095012_Rime ice
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_095023_Rime ice
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_095241
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_095656_Rime ice on the trees
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_095713_Rime ice
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_095759_Rime ice
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_100626_Rime ice on the trees
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_100745_Summit of Mt. Akawie, EL 7,283'
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_101204
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_101318_Paquita found a dry spot
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_101331
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_101435
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_101515
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_101535
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_103206
Nick the Hiker: 20240304_103458